
With Recollective's integrations it's possible to connect and configure third party identity providers or our Single Sign On API to create, authenticate and manage user accounts. Easily implement web hooks and success URLs to trigger events and deeply integrate tools such as Qualtrics to unlock a new realm of insight and efficiency for your research.

Identity Providers

An Identity Provider takes care of validating that a visitor to an application like Recollective is who they claim to be, without it having to store sensitive credentials or outdated information.

Recollective offers integration with multiple enterprise-grade Identity Providers, including:

  • Okta
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC)
  • Google
  • Facebook

Single Sign On (SSO)

Recollective Single Sign-On (SSO) is an API that enables automatic authentication of new and returning users at your Recollective site. With SSO, accounts are created or updated automatically and new sessions are initiated without the need for users to register or log in. While SSO is primarily intended for Panelist accounts, it can also be used to authenticate Administrators.

tailor your research


A webhook is a way for an application to provide other external applications with real-time information based on set triggers.

In the context of Recollective, you define the events to listen for. As soon as one occurs in the platform, a webhook provides the ability to then send specific participant information to a custom web address.

For example, on the successful screening of a candidate participant, you could have Recollective automatically issue a confirmation to the sourcing panel provider.

Qualtrics Integration

The Recollective Qualtrics integration is a no-code,
no-spreadsheet solution for researchers who want to connect one or more Qualtrics XM surveys into Recollective.

This integration allows researchers to select which survey properties will be imported and how those are mapped to equivalent panelist properties in Recollective.

Qualtrics Integration
tailor your research

Success URLs

If a complex quantitative need arises, researchers can link any external survey with Recollective in such a way that the survey's completions are accurately tracked in Recollective.

That's done using a Success URL - a special website address used to return respondents to Recollective while simultaneously marking the originating Prompt Task or Profile Field as Completed, thereby tracking the external survey's completion.

Note that the ability to configure this integration depends on the survey platform and its capabilities.

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